The first thing we had to do was colour in a pair of big ears, and then the adults helped us to attach them to a headband. Just before we went on our walk, we talked about what sort of things we might hear on our listening walk and wrote these on the whiteboard. Some of our ideas included; Children talking and working, teachers teaching, Mr Childs in the hall, Mrs Ross working and Miss Todd typing.
We then put on our 'listening ears' and tip-toed around the school- we had to be super quiet so that we didn't miss a sound!
Once we had tip-toed around the school, we came back to our classroom and discussed what we had heard.
We heard lots of the sounds we thought we might, but we also heard some other sounds such as;
Computers buzzing, KS2 children cooking, children coming out of the hall and the photocopier printing out papers.
Miss Rushbrooke said we had great tip-toe feet and some fantastic listening!
Take a look at some photos from our 'listening walk'.....