Reception Admissions for September 2026
Is your child's date of birth between 1st September 2019 and 31st August 2020 inclusive? You are now able to apply for a school place online or via a CAF1 form below. If applying online, follow the link to 'Applying for school place 2026/27' and follow steps 1 to 4. The deadline is 15th January 2026. Prospective parents are welcome to arrange a visit by contacting the school office |
ADMISSIONSIf you have any questions about Admissions speak with the School Office.
CURRENT Number of children on Roll >> 175
PAN (Published admission number) >> 210
ADMISSIONS to Trimley St Martin
Moving your child to a new school can be a daunting task. Below are the forms that you would need in order for your child to move across the Trimley St Martin Primary School.
Before making an application, we recommend a visit to the school and an informal tour and meeting with the Head teacher. We will give you an honest opinion as to what we are doing well at and what we are trying to improve on. We also give an honest option of what we can offer your child. The Suffolk County Council Website though should be your first port of call as it does give really clear guidance as to the admissions process. If you are unsure about the admissions process, you could also contact the school office for further details. ![]()