Design Technology Curriculum Page
If you have any questions, speak to Mrs Hayter (DT lead)

To build a Design Technology curriculum which develops learning and results in the acquisition of knowledge and skills. Children will know more, remember more and understand more. To design a design technology curriculum with appropriate subject knowledge, skills and understanding as set out in the National Curriculum Design Technology Programmes of study, to fulfil the duties of the NC whereby schools must provide a balanced and broadly-based curriculum which promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils and prepares them for the opportunities and responsibilities and experiences for later life.
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Hydration station
We have started a new initiative this year to try to encourage children to drink more water. Once every half term, a 'Hydration Station' is set up in the hall during lunch time and the children can visit it to get a glass of flavoured water, to fill their water bottle up or to add different items to flavour their own water. So far, the station has proved very popular - the first one included citrus fruits (lemon, lime, orange and grapefruit) and the second one had more of a Winter theme with pear and ginger and orange and rosemary. Look out for the next one coming before February half term!
DT at Trimley St Martin Primary School 2023-2024
Mechanisms and electrical systems
Year 6 have been working on a newly introduced project this year called Engineering Solutions - using this year's Farmvention challenge from the Engineering Educates website. They have been solving a number of problems including: designing a machine to capture methane from cow burps; drawing a scale drawing of a cow barn thinking about the health and happiness of the cows and creating a prototype for a mechanism to open and close vents in a barn. Éw`n m987
Year 5 have been creating vacuum cleaners using the knowledge they have gained from their science lessons in Year 4 to help them. During their topic, they practised making switches and fans to use in their vacuum cleaners.
Year 3 have built a pulley system to help people in Nepal transport their tomatoes from the mountains, where the tomatoes are grown, to the market without them being squashed.
Year 6 have worked hard to design and make soft toys for their reception buddies. They started with an initial design (by their reception buddy), which they used to create their own design, which they then followed to eventually create their soft toys.
Year 4 have spent a lot of time designing and making cushions for themselves or their families. Before they sewed the 2 pieces of felt together, they were able to decorate the front piece using additional pieces of felt and fabric pens.
Using computing skills
Year 6 have used the work they have been doing in their computing lessons to programme a Microbit to act like a cow fitbit in order to show if a cow was comfortable on a new style of bedding.
Year 3 have looked at how cereal boxes are made up, designed their own cereal boxes and then made the net for the 3D shape using Word on a computer.
Year 5 have been practising using glue guns, saws and sand paper in readiness for making their Viking longships, as part of their DT topic on structures.
Year 2 have been using wood to make a photo frame. They also looked at the way they could make their frames stand up.
Year 1 have been designing their own playground equipment. They then used a range of materials to make a prototype of their equipment thinking about how they could join the pieces together and make their models stable.
Year R have been using construction equipment.
Year R have made a range of foods already this year including pancakes, gingerbread people and crumble.
Year 2 have been working on their Seaside picnic by practising making sandwiches using their cutting, spreading and mixing skills.
Year 6 have been very busy practising making some savoury snacks to serve as part of their Seasonal Afternoon Tea topic.
After practising the savoury items for the afternoon tea, each group of children decided how they would adapt their initial recipe to make the savoury item more seasonal. They then made this item, some sandwiches and a sweet item and presented it to their families - who all said how delicious the food was!