Tutor BotTutor Bot help you improve your fluency and confidence with many different Maths skills. Our fun interactive game will help you practise hundreds of different maths skills in one place. Try playing though the various games below and see which levels you can beat.
The coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak means life has changed for us all. at school we have a programme in place to support those children who are physically in school and teachers are at hand via seesaw for our children at home.What are we doing: * providing a caring and supportive environment * providing individual support for individuals and groups (in and out of school) * setting fun wellbeing based challenges (in and out of school) * making phone calls home * referring to agencies that can help looking for ideas or places for help...... beyond schoolRun out of books at home, want something different? Free on-line reading resources ....... click on the links below..... Daily Work With Be Sent Via Our Seesaw AppReception
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6
Latest ideas and activities from the Cambridge Science Centre
ICT and computing can be a tricky thing to learn and to teach, but Barefoot Computing has come to the rescue.
Barefoot Computing are offering free access to lessons, activities and games for both teachers, parents and children. Check out the Home Learning section by clicking the link below..... Mr Childs has set everyone a dance challenge this week! Can you learn the moves in just one week? Send your recorded videos via your class Seesaw or to the school email address for a chance to have your video put into the TSM Dance Mash-up Video!!! GET MOVING, GET LEARNING, GET YOUR FAMILY INVOLVED TOO!! |
AuthorWritten by Mrs Ross on behalf of Mrs Matthews, Mrs Hayter, Mrs Imlach, Mrs MacFarlane, Mrs Thompson, Mrs Wray, Mrs Tubby, Mrs Stockdale, Mrs Campbell and Mr Philpot Archives |