The children had a game to play at the start of the lesson, where they had an animal on their back and they had to ask questions to work out what the animal was. Then, they had to decide if their animal was nocturnal, then if it was a predator, then what classification it is. We then looked at gestation periods and the children made a prediction on which animals had the shortest gestation. They learnt that the longest gestation period was for animals that are the biggest and the shorter gestation period was for smaller animals.
We have started our new unit of work in science - Animals, including humans. The children had a game to play at the start of the lesson, where they had an animal on their back and they had to ask questions to work out what the animal was. Then, they had to decide if their animal was nocturnal, then if it was a predator, then what classification it is. We then looked at gestation periods and the children made a prediction on which animals had the shortest gestation. They learnt that the longest gestation period was for animals that are the biggest and the shorter gestation period was for smaller animals.
In art on Friday we added a second colour using our press prints and had to really carefully line our press print up to the first colour. Then today, we had to apply a third colour. The lining up was the most tricky to complete. Some of us have paint on our clothes (even Mrs C) and in our hair. Hopefully this will wash out. To finish our art work, the children write about the process of press printing and then evaluated their artwork. they also gave their partner feedback on their work too.
November 2024