In R.E. this afternoon, the children had Mr Harvey, the Lay Preacher in. First, the children came up and spoke about what they had been learning in R.E. over the unit of work. Then, Mr Harvey shared with the children his favourite parable, that of the Good Samaritan. This was followed by tea, scones and cake. The children used the concentration and reflective gems today. |
Mrs Cockerill took today's guitar lesson. The children did some warm ups and then practised a short piece focusing on the note E. The notes we looked at for this today were crotchets - notes with one beat and minims - notes with two beats. We also looked at the repeat symbol and what bar lines were, The children used the creative Gems today as they played the piece together and then in small ensembles. Here is a video of a couple of the groups. We have used the following Learning Gems today:
In art today, the children have been learning about how to draw in the negative. By using soft grade pencils, 2B and 4B, they covered the page in graphite. Then, they used rubbers to create the image by working in the negative. In art we have also looked at the artist Frank Auerbach and used charcoal to recreate his scratchy lines and form. We have used the Creative Gems with our learning: In our science lesson this week, we learnt about how the Moon is trapped in the gravitational pull of the Earth and that it orbits around our planet, taking approximately 29 days to completely orbit the Earth. We learnt that when the Moon orbits our planet, that unlike planets, the Moon always faces the same way as it orbits around the Earth. We then looked at phases of the moon and how the Moon changes appearance to us in a never-ending cycle, from New Moon, Waxing Crescent, Quarter Moon, Waxing Gibbous, Full Moon, Waning Gibbous, Three quarter Moon and Waning Crescent. Then, the cycles begins all over again. Good use these Learning Gems:
In R.E., we are compiling a scrap book of thoughts, suggestions and ideas from the children, rather than work in a book. This means that the ideas that are shared in the class are recorded too. The children have 2 counters and they are only allowed to say two things. This stops some children from taking over the discussions and encourages the quieter children to join in too. I am enjoying this scrap-booking! Here are some of the children's quotes. and ideas.
We have had a super day at Sutton Hoo. On arrival we saw just how the big the ship was and the children were astonished at how long it was. then, we went into the exhibition hall. The children looked at all the things in the exhibition hall and were absolutely fascinated by all the amazing artefacts. The children laid on the floor to see if they were taller than King Raedwald; they weren't, but Mrs Cockerill was! Tranmer House, where the children learnt about Edith Pretty and then the burial mound tour - which was super! The part of the site where the warrior and his his horse were found. The stones represented where each grave was. The children were asked to be respectful at the burial mounds as this was an area where the Anglo-Saxon's had been laid to rest. We packed a lot into the day - On the trail we saw the wooden sculptures that had the mythical images that are on the shield and the mask. They were dotted around the trail. We did den building and tree climbing. Whilst at the burial mounds, the starlings were doing their murmoration, which the children found really interesting as they twisted and turned in their flocks. Usually they do this at dusk, so it was lovely to watch. My photos do it no justice!
We invited the parents in for a reading afternoon. During the lesson, the parents learnt a bit more about our new reading scheme, Accelerated Reader and then they read some of our class book. Afterwards, they had to answer some retrieval, interpret and choice questions about they had read.
It was a bit of a squash, but lovely to have so many parents in. |
November 2024