In writing we have been completing some research on Steve Irwin. The children are preparing to write their own biographies about Steve Irwin and were seeing what else they could discover about him. They have found that Steve was frightened of parrots, he had a snail and a snapping turtle named after him. That Steve was inspired by David Attenborough and that he and his wife never wore rings in case wearing them hurt the animals they were handling. Irwin was born on his mother's birthday. His final words were, "I'm dying." Plus many more interesting things. The children used the cooperation gem today
Half of the class are for this term doing ICT with Mr Edwards. In this unit of work the children are learning and developing their skills in Scratch. The children are using the perseverance and creative gem.
Half of the class have bee learning how to play guitars with Mr Butcher. They have been learning about rhythms and beats and even begun composing some of their own material.
In today's science lesson, the children have been out on the field making the solar system mainly out of fruit, measuring the spaces between planets with toilet paper!
Using the fruit has helped the children to see the difference in the sizes of the planets, with Jupiter being represented by a water melon and the Earth with a cherry tomato, etc. Following on from making our loo roll and fruit solar system, the children then had to draw the planets in the solar system to show they understood the sizes of the planets in relation to each other and the sun. They have used the Adventurous, Co-operation and Creativity gems for this activity. In art, the children have continued to develop their drawing skills. Using an artichoke thistle as inspiration of the natural form, they had to imagine what might be inside. The children used their drawing skills such as hatching, stippling, dashes, etc to create these drawings. Then, in the last lesson, the children recreated their images in an enlarged form and then used pastels to add colour, again using the same mark-making techniques. The children have used the creative gem.
Today, the children were introduced to the Solar System and began by reading statements around the room and asking each other questions.
Then, we looked at the names of the planets and the order of them. The children used the adventurous, cooperation and creative gems today. In art the children were learning about different mark-making techniques. The children learnt 8 different techniques and enjoyed practising the skills of hatching, dashes, zig zags and so on.
We used the creative gems today. In art today, the children have been recreating some more Hundertwasser images. The children looked at the their work from last week, created by sketching and colouring and then enlarged their work today, recreating Hundertwasser-style artwork using pastels to recreate his vibrant techniques. The children used the creativity gem today. In art the children were learning about the artist Hundertwasser and how he never used rulers and created very bright images. The children made viewfinders with their hands and then drew sections of some of his paintings. Next week, the children will look at enlarging their images and using pastels. The children used the creativity gem.
This morning the children have been working on their presentation writing. The children have been practising their handwriting as they have been learning a bit more about Steve Irwin.
The children learnt that they were not to compare their work to other children and to complete their work to their own highest standards. The children have used the concentration gem today. |
November 2024