This has been a very busy and important week in the school's monitoring cycle.
Teachers had their professional development meetings, where targets were set to make improvements in teaching & progress and then had class observations to make sure that teaching continues to improve.
Year 3 and 4 children had two visits as both their teachers were observed.
During these observations there was an opportunity to see new teaching strategies for Spag & guided reading, which through recent training has a new and exciting dynamism across the school.
Listen out for children talking about Preston Preposition, Frankie Full Stop and many more lively characters.
When asked about this new way of guided reading the answers were surprising...
" I used to get in a pickle with the old way of reading as too many different groups and too much to do, just confusing"
" I definitely don't miss the independent study"
" We can all talk about the same book and know what we are talking about"