CHILDREN IN NEED 2014 - superheroes!
Friday 14th november
Dress up as a superhero
This year for Children in Need we are dressing up as Superheroes! Children can come to school dressed up as Superheroes if they wish for a kind donation of £1. Children will then spend the day learning about the Children in Need cause as well as learning about another cause that we will be raising money for.
We all know where the money for Children in Need goes! However, this year a friend of Mrs Ross (Paula Goodson) is going out to Sri Lanka to do some work with other children who are in need. We have decided that the money raised for Children in Need will be split two ways; (1) for the BBC Children in Need cause (2) to support the work carried out by Paula.
Paula has promised to send us back photos of where our money has helped the children in Sri Lanka which we feel will be very beneficial for the children to see the impact of their contribution. Our children will be able to see what Paula has been able to provide with the money we raised and therefore help the children to see how a small amount can make such a massive difference in these deprived countries.
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