11 children from TSM went to Kirton Church on Sunday for the annual carol concert. Both Mrs Matthews and Mr Harvey said they were absolutely amazing. Well done, a true credit to the school.
Spring Term
Thurs 3 Jan School Starts Mon 7 Jan Reading and Maths Raffle Assembly Tues 8 Jan House Team Winners Reward- Team to be announced Wed 9 Jan Governor Training Wed 9 Jan PTA Meeting- 7pm Fri 11 Jan Gem Award Assembly Fri 18 Jan Reports to parents Tues 29 Jan Harry Potter Evening- Saxmundham Free School- 3.30pm- 5.15pm for Y4, 5 & 6 Wed 6 Feb Y6 Swimming Gala Tue 12 Feb Y5 Science Morning- Saxmundham Free School Mon 18 Feb- Friday 22 February HALF TERM Mon 25 Feb School Starts… Wed 27 Feb Y4 Poetry Morning- Saxmundham Free School Tues 5 March Parents Evening- 3.30pm- 6pm Wed 6 March School’s World Book Day Thurs 7 March Parents evening- 3.30pm- 7.30pm Fri 8 March Science Assembly Mon 11 March Science Week Thurs 14 March Year 5- World Pi Day- Saxmundham Free School Fri 15 March Red Nose Day Fri 15 March Mother’s Day Market Wed 27 March Full Governing Body Meeting Thurs 28 March Easter Fete Fri 29 March School Disco (TBC) Mon 8th April– Mon 22nd April EASTER HOLIDAYS Tues 23 April PD Day- No School Wed 24 April School Starts… Mon 13 May KS 2 SATS Week Mon 20 May KS 1 Testing Period Fri 24 May PD Day- No School Mon 10 June Year 1 Phonic Screening Week "A Miracle Town"- Another fabulous production from the children in Reception, Year 1, Year 2 and the KS 1 team!!!!! The whole thing literally made me cry!! One super proud Headteacher! The School Association Christmas Raffles- Your chance to winner a Christmas Hamper and tickets to a show at he New Wolsey Theatre..... Tickets £2.00 a strip
Tickets will be on sale at the Nativity performances on Wednesday, Thursday and Monday and from the office.... the prizes will be drawn live on Tuesday 18th and shown here on the website! Good Luck everyone.... A few reminders and updates to keep us going until the 19th...
Wed 12th & Thurs 13th- Reception & KS 1 Nativity- doors open at 2pm for 2.15pm start- there will be a few spaces available in the car park (staff will move onto the playground to make space- sorry no parents on the playground for safety reasons- i.e. too much foot traffic to make it safe at 3.30pm) Friday 14th- Woolly Pully Day- for £1 wear a jumper to school (Christmas or not Christmas- non-school uniform) Year 6- Viking Day School Disco- KS 1- 6pm- 7pm and KS 2 -7.15pm- 8.15pm- tickets on sale from Year 6 in the playground- £2.50- £3.00 on the door Monday 17th- KS 2 Christmas Carol Concert- doors open at 1.45pm for a 2pm start-there will be a few spaces available in the car park (staff will move onto the playground to make space- sorry no parents on the playground for safety reasons- i.e. too much foot traffic to make it safe) Tuesday 18th & Wednesday 19th- Christmas Parties- please see individual classes for days and food lists etc.... Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from everyone at TSM A huge thank you to Mrs Rogowski and Mrs Bowden in the kitchen for some seriously yummy food. A massive thank you to all the staff who helped set up, serve, clear up and make the Christmas lunch time fun! |
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January 2025