Wed 12th & Thurs 13th- Reception & KS 1 Nativity- doors open at 2pm for 2.15pm start- there will be a few spaces available in the car park (staff will move onto the playground to make space- sorry no parents on the playground for safety reasons-
i.e. too much foot traffic to make it safe at 3.30pm)
Friday 14th- Woolly Pully Day- for £1 wear a jumper to school (Christmas or not Christmas- non-school uniform)
Year 6- Viking Day
School Disco- KS 1- 6pm- 7pm and KS 2 -7.15pm- 8.15pm- tickets on sale from Year 6 in the playground- £2.50- £3.00 on the door
Monday 17th- KS 2 Christmas Carol Concert- doors open at 1.45pm for a 2pm start-there will be a few spaces available in the car park (staff will move onto the playground to make space- sorry no parents on the playground for safety reasons- i.e. too much foot traffic to make it safe)
Tuesday 18th & Wednesday 19th- Christmas Parties- please see individual classes for days and food lists etc....
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from everyone at TSM