This afternoon, children worked super hard to make interesting items for Thursday's Christmas Fete. Items that would make them a profit and put lots of money into their class pots. Over the next couple of days, pupils will be involved in deciding on the price of the items, the cost to make and in turn working out how much profit they will make by selling them. We hope to inspire some future entrepreneurs, that potentially we'll see on Dragons Den or The Apprentice in years to come.
After the Christmas Fete, the children will then decide what they want to spend that money on e.g. do they want to put it towards a class trip, have an archaeologist come in and deliver a session or a theatre group to come in and perform. Again, the aim is to help them make responsible decisions about money and to ensure that they know they need to afford something before getting it.
Thank you to those who were able to come along to help. The children definitely got you working hard! I must say the items produced this year are fantastic and are really something worth buying on Thursday.
The pictures show the fun we had this afternoon and some of the great products the children made (with a little help from their parents!).