The school:
- Informs parents in a particular class by text message in the event of a nits outbreak.
- Provide parents with treatment advice of nits in its newsletter.
- Works with families to ensure that nits are kept under control by providing the parents with the treatment and giving addition advice about how to prevent nits from returning.
- Provides parents with a link to a school nurse for further support and information if the condition continues.
- Provides parents with combs & treatment for extreme cases.
- Follows guidance from the NUT; which suggests not singling out particular children, not refusing access to school and not issuing individual letters.
- Arranges a termly open surgery led by the school Nurse in order for parents to pop in for additional advice.
Parents/carers are responsible for keeping their family’s hair clear of lice by:
- regular shampooing and conditioning and combing hair at least twice a day
- regular combing with a fine tooth plastic or detector comb on a weekly basis to detect head lice
- if head lice are suspected using the ‘wet combing’ method to detect moving lice
- alerting friends, family and the school if head lice are detected, and letting them know that treatment is being undertaken.
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