The Parent Forum is a group of parents who meet once a term to discuss school-related issues. You do not need to be elected, you can just come along!
Regular, open communication and consultation with parents is really important to the school. The Parent Forum provides a valuable way to listen to your ideas and concerns and seek your views, helping to make sure that the needs of our children and families are met. We are aware that Parents discuss issues within the playground but sometimes these concerns don’t actually reach us. We cannot solve the problems and make things better if they are not brought to our attention and raised in the correct way.
Meetings are led by the Headteacher.
Meetings are informal and a genuine opportunity for open discussion.
Examples of issues that have been discussed include:
- School development planning
- Parking and safe routes to walk / cycle to school
- Classes
- Cost of school trips and events
- Parents evenings
- Views on school policies when they are updated e.g. Behaviour Policy, Uniform Policy
Its very important that you attend and share your views with the rest of the Parent Forum. Dates are advertised in the newsletters, on the playground noticeboard and are shown in the parent section on the school website. Copies of minutes from previous meetings can also be found on the school website.
If you are unable to attend, or don’t feel that you could speak up at the forum meeting, please email the issue or concern that you would like to be raised and discussed at the meeting to the address below.
[email protected]
Label the subject as ‘Parent Forum’ and these will be forwarded to the Headteacher.