The whole purpose of the afternoon was to bring R.E. to life. Hopefully children will remember the activities they completed today in years to come as well as developing a greater understanding of the religions in the world in which they live. The children learnt about the following celebrations.
YEAR R – Hinduism ‘Divali’
YEAR 1 – Judaism ‘Passover’
YEAR 2 – Christianity ‘Baptism’
YEAR 3 – Christianity ‘Weddings’
YEAR 4 – Christianity ‘Holy Communion’
YEAR 5 – Christianity ‘Christmas’ (Comparing varying traditions around the world)
YEAR 6 – Buddhism ‘Vesak’
The event was attended by the Vice Chair of Governors, Lorna Adamson, and the feedback I received from both Lorna and the parents in the playground afterwards was very positive indeed.
These curriculum afternoons take a lot of extra preparation and planning and the teachers spend a lot of time creating resources and setting up the rooms ready for parents to come in and work alongside the children. The super positive comments received along with seeing the enjoyment had by children makes the time and effort all worthwhile.
I spoke to a few parents during the event about things we could improve on next time and so we have some tweaks that we can make to the next curriculum afternoon.