In order to simplify sports day and lunchtime arrangements for our second attempt:
- Pupils will need to bring a packed-lunch to school regardless of the weather
- Pupils who are entitled to Universal Free School Meals (Year R,1,2) and Free School Meals can book a packed lunch from the kitchen. Parents will need to complete the form sent out by Mrs Simpson in the next few days.
- Parents can bring the rest of the picnic items with them on the day
If the weather is fine and the sports days runs to plan, picnic lunch will happen as normal. However, pupils will bring out their packed lunches and eat them with parents along with anything else that is brought along by the parents. If the weather is poor and the sports day is cancelled, this approach means the children already have their lunches sorted. It just means that parents will need take their picnic baskets home and work their way through the pork pies during the afternoon by themselves.