The responsibility of these individuals chosen would be to;
- Provide a guided tour to prospective parents who visit the school.
- Meet and greet Parents at Parents Evenings, School Productions and other school events.
- Meet with the Senior Leadership Team every half term, passing on information from the School Council and discussing school issues.
- Create a number of fundraising opportunities which will raise funds for the Year 6 Residential to London. (Target - £1000 each). If this target was met the cost of the London trip would be reduced considerably.
Below is an outline of the tasks in the Head Boy and Head Girl selection process:
The PRESENTATION - To create a credible, workable, fundraising event that could be used to raise money for the Year 6 residential trip and to present this proposal to Governors and the whole school.
Pupils will need to make one PowerPoint slide only displaying their fundraising idea. In the assembly, children must speak continuously for 2 minutes about their proposal. During the presentation, they will be given marks for:
- Speaking clearly and confidently
- Speaking for the full 2 minutes
- Engaging the audience
- Using the PowerPoint page to help get the audience excited about the event (please note the focus on the marking on this is how the child refers to it – this is to take into account the fact that some children may have been supported with their PowerPoint slide.
- Suggesting a suitable, appropriate fundraising event that will make money
- Sensible response from the questions asked by the audience
The TOUR - To write a script that could be used to lead a guided tour of the school with the Governors. To use that script to guide the Governors around the building.
Pupils will need to use the map attached to generate a script that can be used during the tour. Pupils will be given marks for;
- Speaking clearly and confidently
- Listening carefully to questions asked during the tour
- Answer questions correctly as well as knowing what to say if they unable to answer a particular question.
- Be positive about the school as well as being honest about what is like being a pupil here
- Referring to the all of the points on the map where the star is showing
The INTERVIEW - To complete an interview with the panel of Governors.
Pupils will need to answer a series of questions posed by the governors. Points will be given for answering correctly, but there will be higher marks awarded for the way in which the questions are tackled.
Pupils will be given marks.
- Answering the questions clearly and confidently.
- Explaining their answers and giving detail.
- Knowing what to say if they are unable to answer a particular question.
- Engaging with the governor.
On the day the selection process was carried out by three Governors: Mrs Long, Ms Adamson and Mrs Cumming.
Everyone in involved agreed that the children were superb. Everyone did themselves proud! Everyone was excited when the results were announced.