I also enjoyed reading all of the parents comments and those written by younger and older siblings. I'm so pleased to see the website being actively used but also pleased that if any perspective parents look at our site they are going to be super impressed with the activities we offer and the positive parent support that is out there.
I am also so pleased that everyone of our children attended the Thorpe Woodlands trip. I know the trip is expensive but my hope was that after following the children for the week on the blog, Parents felt that it was money well spent! (Perhaps not so much when they opened the suit case in the kitchen on the Friday night!)
During the week, the children have achieved things that they never thought they could do! It might have been climbing a wall, swinging through trees, being away from the comforts of home or just not seeing family for more than one day. Every child from this school walked away having learnt something new.
A huge thank you to Mrs Matthews and Mr Childs for leading this trip. Thank you for the super blog! I say this every time at the end of residential trip BUT leading residential trips IS HARD WORK! It is a massive responsibility taking care of 27 children for a whole week and there is no switch off time. It is constant. you are teacher 24 hours a day for the full 5 days! However, the one thing that makes it all worthwhile is seeing a different side to the children that we know in school, watching them achieve things they didn't think they could and watching them mature and think for themselves in such a short space of time. Giving up time to lead a residential is above and beyond what is expected of a teacher. There's no handing children back to parents at 3:30pm! This is why I am incredibly appreciative of staff who lead these trips for our children.
Thank you also to Mrs MacFarlane for the original organisational work that was put in. She was gutted not to have led this trip but has definitely been keeping up to date following the blog. Thank you also to Mrs Simpson who books the trip, coordinates the coaches, completes the paperwork for the local authority,does the finances etc as this bit often gets overlooked.
For more information about this year's Thorpe Woodlands Residential - check out the blog by clicking here.