Last year we asked children to dress up as their favourite book character and so this year we are going to approach the day in a different way. Having read online over the last few weeks that 75% of teachers agree that World Book Day doesn't necessarily have the desired impact (i.e. changing children's reading habits) we are going to do something different!
This year, each class teacher has chosen a particular text from a popular author. Everyday for the last 30 minutes of the afternoon (7th - 11th March) the children will experience good old fashioned story time; where the teacher reads aloud to the children. This will run for the entire week therefore promoting reading over a longer period of time whilst also given children the chance to listen to a whole book being read from cover to cover.
We are running the reading activities a week later than the actual book day as myself, the literacy coordinator (Mrs Matthews) and the year 6 children will be away this week on the residential trip to London.
Below are the chosen books in order from Year R to Year 6.