The class had more time to complete their pictures using The Dance by Matisse as their inspiration.
After finishing their tissue paper people, they then began to add colour to the background. Most of them also named their pieces of work. The children investigated what happened to the brightness of bulbs in a circuit as they added more bulbs. They started by trying to plan their own investigation, we then looked at what needed to be thought about in at the planning stage to make sure their investigations went well. They then explained what they found out and the reasons they thought it happened. Today in maths we looked into the rhyme 'Ip Dip Sky Blue' (which helps some of us decide who is on in a game). We were looking to see where we would need to stand in order to be on, depending on how many people there were in the group. We started with just 2 people in a group but when we got to there being 8 people in the group we noticed that the final person would be on, we then spotted that the 8th person would be on if there were 9 or even 10 people in a group. We came to the conclusion that because 'Ip Dip Sky Blue, Who's it, It's you!' was 8 beats as long as there were at least 8 people in the group, the 8th person would always be chosen!
We have been inspired by Matisse's The Dance to produce our own piece of art work, trying to show the movement of people in our pictures. So far there are some really clear pieces, but as we are taking our time over these none of them are finished yet! Some of the completed work will appear on the blog soon.
We completed our work on sound in science today by thinking about the key vocabulary we had looked at over the topic. In small groups, we thought about if there were any links between the words and tried to explain them too. Jacob said he matched sound up with vibration because without vibration you don't get sound. Bea said she matched muffle with loud because you can muffle a loud sound and make it quiet. |
CategoriesAuthorMrs MacFarlane and the hard working children of Hamilton Archives
February 2025