We would like to say a huge thankyou to Mrs Matthews and Year 6, who let us borrow their hudls, so we were able to stay in the relative coolness of our classroom!
We finished our geography topic on Weather today by researching and then making creating biomes. The whole class were brilliant at finding information from a website and then drawing and adding facts to their work to show the types of animals and plants that were special to the biomes they had chosen. We would like to say a huge thankyou to Mrs Matthews and Year 6, who let us borrow their hudls, so we were able to stay in the relative coolness of our classroom!
We used the skills we had been practicing in DT, over the past few weeks, in our RE lesson today. We were finding out about Pentecost by looking at pictures of the festival and seeing what we noticed about them, and then listening to a story from the Bible about it. After we found out it was a celebration and is happening on 4th June this year, we made cards or invitations for it. Our card not only had to have some drawings or information about Pentecost but also needed to have a lever or linkage. There were some amazing ideas and some of the cards are now on display in the classroom - well done Simmonds class. During our RE lesson today, we explored what a commission was and learnt about the commission that is in the bible - Jesus is recorded as giving this last message to his followers. First we wrote about what we thought Jesus would say as a last message to his followers, then what mission he might give them before he died and finally we read the Great Commission that is actually written in the bible.
Today, we explored quadrilaterals that could be made with string. The children needed to worked in groups to make quadrilaterals with 1, 2 and 4 lines of symmetry, they couldn't find one with just 3 lines of symmetry. Can you name any of the quadrilaterals that have been made in the photographs? Homework help below Today, we began our new topic in RE, where we will be exploring why Christians believe they are 'people on a mission'. To start the topic we had our own missions to complete. Firstly, the children were sent on small missions around the school to collect props that were needed to help retell a story. Then they heard the story of Jonah and the whale and finally, they had to use the props they had collected during a second reading of the story. The class did an amazing job, listening to the story and leaping into action when their prop was needed! |
CategoriesAuthorMrs MacFarlane and the hard working children of Hamilton Archives
December 2024