We are having a great time learning all about how decimals work ! We have learnt to read them, order them , round them and problem solve with them, using them in every element of measure from money, length, weight and capacity.
We have had lots of great fun doing lots of great writing all descriptive texts. We can descibe characters, write weather reports and sell you a new hover bike ! In science we have loved learning about electricity !! We really enjoyed the challenge of making a circuit in series and then changing it to a parallel circuit.
Year 4 had a brilliant time in the wild wood ! We made bird feeders, a Hotel Den and planted beans.29/4/2021 We had a great morning full of interesting challenges, learning in our Wild Wood to make bird feeders, planting beans and we also built a Hotel Den to stay in, where guests could experience the outdoors.
We have been looking carefully about how to protect our plant on World Earth day !
@majorityaudio #EarthDayWithMajority We are having great fun set ourselves different challenges and playing with new equipment during our breaktimes.
We enjoyed our STEM challenge today to make a catapult using lollipop sticks, elastic bands and a plastic spoon. We had fun testing out our catapults in the playground to see whose catapult was most effective.
CategoriesAuthorMrs MacFarlane and the hard working children of Hamilton Archives
December 2024