Photos to follow.
The class started their new art topic this week by creating an original surface to work on; they were given different types of materials which they could attach together, making a surface with various different textures. Once they had dried, the children were then asked to paint their piece. They used a colour wheel to help them find colours that complimented each other and also thought about how they were going to make different colours that they wanted to use, as they were only given red, yellow and blue to start off with! Photos to follow.
Today, we worked a little more on looking at the Unfortunately the children came back to class this afternoon to find the classroom in a mess, with books knocked off the bookshelves, wool in a mess on the floor and chairs tipped over. There were some lovely children who offered to tidy it up, but before we did that we decided to do a little bit of literacy on it! The class collected information using the 5Ws to find out: what happened; who might have done it; where it happened; when it happened and why it might have happened. They acted as reporters interviewing Mrs Ross to find out. A very warm welcome from myself and Mrs Bateman, to all the children, in Simmonds class, and their parents and families.
We have had a very busy start to the new school year. In science, this week, we began our topic on Teeth and Eating. We started to find out about the different names of the teeth we have and what the purpose of our teeth are. It was very interesting watching the children try to eat a piece of bread without using their teeth! In maths, we have been working on numbers and over the past couple of days the children have been learning about negative numbers. By the end of the lesson on Thursday, they were all able to spot the mistakes a child had made when drawing a number line, most quickly noticing that the 0 was missing. |
CategoriesAuthorMrs MacFarlane and the hard working children of Hamilton Archives
February 2025