Today we spent an entire day wrapping up our work on electricity.
We started the day by building a variety of circuits using a range of components.
We then carried out a scientific investigation to see what happened to the brightness of a bulb when more batteries were added. The children correctly predicted that as more batteries were added the bulb got brighter. We came up with a way of measuring brightness involving counting how any sheets of paper we could see the bulb through. Some children were surprised to find that at some point, the bulb couldn't handle the power given from all the batteries and the bulbs 'blew'.
We then carried out an investigation to see which materials conducting electricity. We weren't surprised to find that metal objects completed the circuit and made the bulb light up. However some of us were surprised to find that a doubled sharpened pencil (with the circuit touching the lead on each end), a pipe cleaner and shiny craft paper all also conducted electricity. We discussed the reasons for this as a class.
We then ended the day with the children completing a challenge to design a 'burglar alarm' to protect a chocolate bar that I had given then. They had to find a way to create a change in their circuit triggering some sort of alarm when I tried to 'steal' their chocolate. Ideas started off simple, but by the end of the lesson we had some great designs.
Well done Pendleton. A fantastic day filled with lots of learning!!