Today, the children practised using the written method for multiplication to help them solve some problems. I had made lots of mistakes with using the written method - I think I must have been very tired ;) - but the children were able to spot my mistakes and explain where I had gone wrong!
We started our new topic on light today in science. The children had 3 activities to do: going into the darkened cupboard in the classroom to see what they could see in the dark; trying to work out what was in some boxes that had very little light going into them and sorting light sources from reflectors.
Today we have been learning to divide a 2 digit number by a 1 digit number. We started by using the place value counters to share our larger numbers into equal groups. We have divided 84 by 4 = 21.
We then moved on to using a part whole model to work with dividing larger numbers and showing how we reached our answers. Today, the children looked at what they liked and wanted to improve on their Hippocrump art work. They then overworked the original piece using pastels or paint (mixing their own colours, to make the precise colours they needed).
Today, the children listened to part of the Hippocrump poem and then created a picture of what they thought the Hippocrump looks like using pastels. There were some rather scary looking Hippocrumps! |
January 2025
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