We have been planning how to design a garden in groups working as a team. We have landscapers, event planners, team leaders and budgeters. Each team had £1000 budget to work with. Here are the learning gems we have used today.
This week in our art lesson we have been looking at the work of the artist Francis Bacon. He was famous for the distorted images he produced. Here are some of our examples. These are the learning gems we used.
Continuing with our unit in our science lessons of animals including humans, we have been learning how muscles work. Today we made arms using elastic bands to show how the muscles relax and contract. These are the learning gems we used today.
Today in our RE lesson we began the new unit of Hinduism learning about karma. We played games of snakes and ladders to see we felt when we were winning and close to winning. We learnt how good actions lead to good consequences and bad actions lead to bad consequences. These are the learning gems we used today.
In our geography lessons we have been learning about various climates in different biomes. For our big finish in geography today we made flip books to show all the information we have found out about the different biomes - rainforest, temperate, desert and tundra. Here are some of our examples. These are the learning gems we have been using today.
Using our plans from our last DT lesson we worked in our groups to build a pulley system that could lift 10 cherry tomatoes 1 metre high above the ground. We chose which materials we would use for the supports and decided how to build the pulley. These are the learning gems we used today.
Our topic this Autumn term for history is The Stone Age which linking with our English lessons we have been reading the book The Stone Age Boy. We have looked at different cave art pictures and even painted our own. We then wrote our own instructions of how to make a cave art picture in our English lessons. These are the learning gems we have used today.
Today in our science lesson we thought about what our bodies would be like without bones. We decided that we needed bones to support our body and protect our organs so we made a 'hand' with 'fingers'. These are the learning gems we used today.
Today we have started our new unit all about Islam. We been talking about obedience and thinking about important people who we would listen to and follow instructions from. We ordered them together with our talk partner in priority of importance at the top of the diamond first and then through to the least important. These are the learning gems we have used today.
January 2025
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