This week we began our new topic for Science learning about plants. We looked at the different parts of the plants, labelling them and found out about the function each part plays. We labelled our classroom display and in class and at home we made collages, booklets and pictures to show the different parts of the plant. Following on at the end of the week in our STEM lesson we made flowers from a variety of materials such as tissue paper, crepe paper, newspaper, writing paper and card. Here are some of our creations we made in school and at home as we watched each folded flower open up when dropped onto water.
As part of our school and home learning, we have begun to think about mythical creatures, as part of our writing. Our task today, was design our own mythical creature that was invented by using lots of different parts of different animals. Here are some of our ideas.........
At home and school we have been working on Jungles and Trolls as topics to help us practice our writing skills, SPaG and developing our presentation skills. Here are some examples of our hard work.
As part of our home learning and school lessons we have been continuing our topic of multiplication and division. We have watched videos followed by activities to help us become gain confidence with the 3, 4 and 8 times table.
Over the last six weeks during lockdown we have been reading Paddington and doing lots of work about him. Here is a selection of our work that we have done in school and at home. Through home learning and work at school we have been able to complete Art, DT, Literacy and Guided Reading all based around our Paddington topic.
Our topic for science this last half term has been all about light. Using torches and different materials we have discovered how light reflects in a variety of ways. Here are some of our experiments using CDs and torches both at home and in school.
November 2024
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