As part of Goof Off Day I set the class a little challenge. Every time an adult walked into the classroom the children had to stand up, clap and cheer them and then immediately get back on with their work. It was great fun and the I think the adults particularly enjoyed being clapped and cheered on entering the classroom, in fact, some adults seemed to come into the classroom more than the probably needed to!
Lots of us have found telling the time quite tricky, so over the last couple of days we have been working on telling the time using the hour hand of a clock only. First of all, we looked at the clock as just a special numberline and then used an hour hand on the numberline to tell the time to the o'clock, half past, quarter to and quarter past. We were then able to add a second clock with a minute hand, to help us tell the time more accurately.
As part of science week, we had 2 different tasks to do, as well as our usual science lesson! For the first one we looked at the scientist and inventor Christopher Cockerell who lived and worked around East Anglia. We started by looking into one of his main inventions - the hovercraft, making our own hovercrafts to test out and then we found out about Christopher Cockerell's life.
For the second one we investigated the journey of a sneeze! Everyone drew a face and put it on the floor, on top of large sheets of paper. We then used a spray bottle to act as a mouth and sprayed the bottle twice, in front of the faces, like we had just sneezed. The children then went to check on their ‘face’ and see if any of the sneeze had gone over them, if it had they circled the droplets in red. The children noticed that the sneezes reached right to the end of the sheet! We then put a hand in front of the mouth when we ‘sneezed’ again. This time the droplets were circled in blue, the sneeze didn’t reach as far as it had the first time. Finally we ‘sneezed’ agin with a tissue in front of the mouth, this time there were very few droplets on the faces to circle! We then talked about how important it was to try and sneeze into a tissue so the tissue could be thrown away afterwards but realised we didn’t always have tissues on us so decided that if we had to sneeze into our hands we must go and wash our hands afterwards. We have been working hard on our shadow puppet theatres today. We spent our time putting a screen on our theatres and finishing off the puppets. Then, with the lights turned out, we got a chance to test out our theatres properly to see if our puppets could be seen!
August 2024
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