Miss Rushbrooke lined a big tray with newspaper and put it on the floor. We all sat around it and Noah's Mum and Dad put 9 of the chicks in it. As 3 of the chicks had only hatched that morning, they stayed in another crate - closely looked after by Mrs Cummings!
Noah and his parents showed how to 'cup' our hands to hold the chicks- this way they would be safe and not fall. All of us had a hold of one of the chicks - even those of us who were a little unsure to begin with.
All the chicks were very well behaved - allowing us to handle and stroke them - and copying with 30 very excited children!.
Noah had named 9 of the chicks, but not the 3 youngest ones, so he and his parents very kindly said we could name the very youngest chick.
Lots of us had some fantastic suggestions, but Miss Rushbrooke narrowed it down to 4 possible names that we had suggested, which were: 'Hughes' 'Golden' 'Ralph' and 'Silver'.
Miss Rushbrooke then wrote these names on the smart board and gave each of us a picture of a chick. We then had to vote for the chick's name by placing our chick picture above the name we liked the most.
It was very close, but the winner was ............HUGHES!
We all enjoyed our very special, and very cute visit.....Noah's mum did have to check they were still leaving with 12 chicks, and that 1 hadn't 'somehow' found itself in Miss Reynolds' pocket!
We would like to say a very big THANK YOU to Noah, and his Mum and Dad for very kindly bringing in the chicks!