Why Bug is better on ActiveLearn Primary?
Here's a handy list of all the improvements you’ll find in Bug Club on ActiveLearn Primary and what they’ll mean for you and your child
iPad and Android tablet compatibility
A great new child-centred pupil world
Brilliant new pupil rewards
iPad and Android tablet compatibility
Bug Club will be compatible with iPads (iPads 2s, 3s, 4s and iPad Minis) and selected Android tablets (Samsung Galaxy 3, 7.0s and 3. 10.1s and Google Nexus 7s and 10s) so you and your children can access it on the go.
Parents will also find it even easier to support their child’s learning - not only will it be easier (and more fun!) for their children to access Bug on their iPad or Android tablet, parents will also be able to quickly and easily check their children’s progress on the go and access parent tips and hints on the inside cover of every eBook.
All usernames and passwords have been put into the front of reading records books.