Our learning gems are....
Creativity -
I can use my imagination and develop my own ideas.
I can make connections.
I am curious
Concentration -
I can remain focused on what I am doing.
I am able to focus on the right things.
I am a good listener.
Reflective -
I do not mind making mistakes.
I can learn from them.
I think about how I can improve.
Perseverance -
I can keep going when things are tough.
I do not let things stop me achieving my goals.
I bounce back.
Independence -
I can use my initiative.
I can make decisions.
I can get on with my work and play.
I can recognise when I need support.
Adventurous -
I like to try new things and can push myself.
I am ambitious and aim high.
I am able to have a go.
Co-operation -
I can work with others as a team.