Again, linked to our topic of Space, we have been doing lots of counting back/down in our maths lessons. On Monday, we began counting down from 10, and over the course of this week, increased the number we counted down from. We are now up to counting back from 25....and then of course 'blasting off' just like a rocket.
I videoed all of our fantastic counting down, with the intention to upload on here......I have tried to upload the videos MANY, MANY times,,,,, but unfortunately it would just not work! apologies!
The children have also enjoyed watching 'Life in Space' type video clips, from rockets taking off from Kennedy Space Centre, to how Astronauts wash their hair, and eat in space - (this one was rather funny, and my apologies if the children attempt to make their food 'float!').
If you do get the chance, have a look - they are all easy to find on you tube, and both the children and adults have found them quite interesting and sometimes rather funny!