When we arrived in the store we were all given a special tabbard and a named hat.
We also learnt alot about the sorts of fish that is sold at Tesco. We tried some prawns, muscles and even squid!!
Our favourite tasting was the doughnuts, which we got to make all by ourselves. Paul and Rosie took us into the bakery to see the big ovens and giant mixers where all the breads and cakes are made. We all got to put jam into our own doughnuts and cover them with sugar. We were even allowed to take these home.
All of the children were very impressed with the snack we were given, lots of fruit and mini doughnuts.
We all had a great time at Tescos and now know alot more about where food is grown, how it is made and how it gets to the shop for our mums and dads to buy.